• Steinway & Sons in America builds and sells 3,765 pianos.
  • Steinway & Sons’ net profit is $434,943.
  • Steinway & Sons’ Hamburg factory builds 29 pianos.
  • Steinway & Sons store in Berlin re-opens, and its business is booming: the demand for Steinway & Sons pianos and parts is higher than supply.
  • Steinway & Sons loans a free Model B grand piano to New York Times music critic Olin Downs. (The gift will pay off 5 years later, in 1953, when New York Times would be the only publication to dedicate to Steinway & Sons centennial concert a feature article.)
  • Having graduated from Harvard business school, Frederick Steinway begins to work at Steinway & Sons factory.
  • Currency reform in after-war Germany brings economic improvement, which will result in the great increase in Steinway & Sons German piano production the following year.