May 12, 1894

William Steinway’s diary: “At 9 A.M. drive to dwelling of Richard Rug 52 W. 25th, look with Mr. Hahn at “Sommer” piano No. 4043, a shameful abortion of a piano, it also has a Trademark similar to ours. Then testify in criminal suit of Sommer vs. Freund at Jefferson Market before Judge McMahon.” This is one of the multiple indications that the relationship between William Steinway and newspaper publisher John C. Freund had never actually deteriorated to the point of complete enmity: in the later years of William Steinway’s life John C. Freund had apparently made a great effort to restore the friendship, by publishing favorable articles about William Steinway. As can be seen from this entry, William Steinway has reciprocated, standing by John C. Freund in court.