October 26, 1865

  • C.F. Theodor Steinweg and his wife Johanna arrive to New York. C.F. Theodor brings with him his favorite piano tuner, Arthur von Holwede, who will become Steinway & Sons’ chief tuner, and later the factory manager at Steinway & Sons pianofabrik in Hamburg. C.F. Theodor and Johanna move into former Henry Steinway, Jr.’s house near Fourth Avenue factory. C.F. Theodor Steinweg also brings with him from Germany several workmen, skilled in making “pianinos”. (Very soon, C.F. Theodor Steinweg will use his powers of persuasion on his brother William, and the company will begin manufacturing upright pianos of C.F. Theodor Steinweg’s design.)
  • On the same day as C.F. Theodor Steinweg has arrived to New York, Minna, the daughter of Heinrich Engelhard Steinweg and the widow of Theodore Vogel, marries William Candidus, an opera singer.