September 14, 1892

William Steinway’s diary: “Receive an immense mail, among it H.W. T. Sts complaint agt me and St+S. containing the most absurd allegations. I write all forenoon in afternoon at 3 P.M. (call on Anton Rubinstein at Sendigs Europaischer Hof. He receives me in the most friendly manner I have an hours talk with him, also meet young Hoffmann who is now 16 years old)”. This diary entry marks the day when William Steinway has learned about his nephew’s lawsuit against him. This is the first time Henry W.T. Steinway’s case is mentioned in William Steinway’s diary, and seems the only indication of the approximate date of the initial claim made by Henry W.T. – likely sometime in early September. The “Hoffmann” mentioned later in the same diary entry is actually pianist Josef Hofmann, who will soon tour America for Steinway & Sons.